Pharmacy Service
Pharmacy Service

How does it work?
- The patient visits your pharmacy
- Has a finger prick blood test
The results are automatically transferred to INR Online - The computer recommends a dose and prints out a calendar
- The results are sent to the GP.
- The patient receives an email reminder for the next test
What do I need?
- You need to contact your portfolio manager for your DHB and complete the expression of interest form. You may need to contact DHB shared services for full details.
- In considering participation ensure you have sufficient space and facilities to provide the service
- Discuss the option with your local GPs and provide the GPs with information.
How to get started?
- If selected to provide the service at least two pharmacists from your pharmacy will need to attend a training course to gain accreditation. Contact the Pharmaceutical Society for more information
- Training will provide information about warfarin, dose adjustments, measuring the INR with the CoaguChek and using INR Online.
- All pharmacists must be accredited before they can offer the service.